
Belly Bump: Visiual Chronicle

 Decemeber 2014: Christmas Bump

 January 2015: Basketball or Baby? 

January 2015: Nice hair...and bump. 

 January 2015: Surprise Baby Shower at Work! 

 February 3, 2015: Version Attempt (pre-Pain Party)


Tossing Christmas Cookies

Twas the week before Christmas
And my belly was big
The baby grew and wiggled within

When on one cold night
I awoke to  a grumble
My stomach churned and bubbled with trouble

To the bathroom I flew
With hopes of relief
I tossed my Christmas cookies with no jubilee 

I repeated this game
A time or five
Praising the porcelain goddess with each tummy surprise

No comfort in vomit
Made only worse
By a living being fueling this curse

When morning breaks
The clinics open
The nurses scurry in fear of Ebola

No trips to Africa
No mysterious germs
It's but the cursed flu causing this hullabaloo!

A few hours pass
And a two IV bags later
I've lost four pounds when it doesn't even matter

Safe at home
In my soft warm bed
The virus made me exclaim as it came to an end:

Fuck you Flu. And The Flu Shot too. 


Belly Bump: Visiual Chronical

 August 2014: Celebrating Big Sister's Birthday. (Mama look good!)

 October 2014: Nice socks. 

 October 2014: Portraits by Bella. 

 October 2014: Did I swallow a pumpkin?

 October 2014: Trick-or-Treat. (Me seeth a double chin!)

 November 2014: Unfortunate angle. 

 November 2014: Belly Comparison Portrait by Bella

November 2014: Thankful and Festive.

The Big Sister

Keeping the joy of an expectant baby is nearly impossible, especially when you have a child inquiring, on the daily, about the status of her baby. You can just imagine our excitement in finally sharing the news with her. Her smile says it all.


First Glimpse.

A lot happens between deciding to have a child and actually having a child. A lot of NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!

One way or another, we found out we were expecting in the summer of 2014. In July, we had our first glimpse of our precious little one. A fluttering little bean.

I find it impossible to describe the emotions of that first picture. There is love and excitement. Trepidation and anxiety. Nausea and crabbiness. Ah! To be reminded of joys of pregnancy!


And Then It Happend.

Writing a blog in retrospect allows for an interesting opportunity for reflection. What moments in your life brought here, to this very second, reading the most profound bit of autobiographical material ever produced? As you know, this moment is a result of countless other moments that met, danced and married to produce your present. It is nearly impossible to narrow the scope, to a single second, that will allow to mourn or celebrate today.

As is such when I look back and think: how did this amazing life as a family of four come to be?

1. Miss Boo was three and some months when she noted the a distinct difference between her and her peers. Each one of her peers had a sibling. Better yet, the majority were the BIG sibling. And what did little miss realize about big siblings? Supreme control of another human life. Her natural assertive nature allowed her to conclude that there was no better way to practice leadership skills than by being a big sister. Thus began her requests...nay demands. For she did not ask IF she could have a baby brother or sister but WHEN. This was moment number one.

2. Several months later, on a way home from a delightful date with my husband, we chattered about how hilarious our daughter had become. I mean, she was single-highhandedly plotting our lives with her grandeur plans of baby brothers and sisters. That is when Hubby said that he too was OK with another little one. WHHAAA WHHHAAA WHHHAAATTTT? News flash: I was the only one not thinking about another baby. This was moment number two.

3. There we sat waiting for the bus to take our over-partied bodies back to the hotel after a fabulous wedding and reception. The four of us reflecting on how lucky we are to have husbands that get along (cue husbands attempting to procure more alcohol); how lucky we are to have forged these friendships almost ten years ago; and how lucky we are that despite ten years, we are still as close as the day we met. It was then, that each one announced her intention to have a baby in the next year. Everyone but me (are you noting a trend here?). My only intention was to somehow find a snack. To me, I already had the world's most perfect child. It was my friends who needed to catch up to me! Right? This was moment number three.

4. It was a couples trip to Vegas in the fall. For me, just a vacation. For my closest friends, one last hurrah before baby-making-business began in full force. We ate and drank like queens. We played penny slots like money grew on trees. And of course, we shopped like Kate Middleton at TopShop (quite literally, we shopped at TopShop with a private stylist). It was then,  as we all huddled in one busy changing room trying on any amazing design we could grab, that she said it. "I don't know why I am buying new clothes...I'm pregnant!" Oh the amazing, overwhelming joy! OK...now I am thinking about babies. This was moment number four.

Time continued and more moments continued to flash by. Like a toy house built of Legos, each moment was a unique brick that secured itself on the next brick until the house is so large it cannot be ignored. That's when you start on the roof, the final piece of the puzzle. 

And then it happened. After devouring the world's best "Hy-Chi" (I love HyVee), that I received this fortune. And there was my roof. The final brick. The final moment. I was ready for another baby, this ever so pleasant surprise.


I. Am. Back.

Yes, I am back by popular demand. And by popular demand I mean, two individual requests to regenerate this blog. Never one to disappoint, I considered it a challenge! And no better time to begin a challenge then when you have an abundant amount of time.

Time? Surprised that I would have an excess of the precious commodity? Well, yes, it is in fact true. Time is mine. I own you devious clock! Well, it is mine for the next seven weeks as I enjoy MATERNITY LEAVE. Yeah, that's right. I had another baby (more on that later). Such news must come as quite a shock as the highlight of my expansive blogging career pulled material from describing the horrors of pregnancy and childbirth. This must leave you to think:

1. She is crazier than her blog lets on.

2. She exaggerated the horrors or pregnancy.

3. Time really does make you forget childbirth.

I can assure you none of the aforementioned are true! I am not crazy...at least, not clinically. My first experience with pregnancy was every bit a traumatic as I described. And I shall never forget childbirth. Never.

But, here I am cradling a little bubba and admiring my life in all it's perfection. So, to honor the challenge to entertain my two loyal followers and to honor my second experience of motherhood, I will blog...at least for the next seven weeks.

More to come.