
Art Display

Any mom can testify, a refrigerator  serves two purposes: 
1. Food storage
2. Kid art display 
Well, our budding Picasso latest collections (The People Period) was taking too much real estate. The fridge. The pantry door. The bedroom door. You get the point. So, thanks to this post http://perspectiveswe.com/do-it-yourself-art-wall/ and a few modifications (wooden dowels replace curtain rods), we have a consolidated art display worthy of the Louvre. 

Changing the changing table.

The little one has become very aware that she is not a baby; therefore, she is demanding the "baby" furniture be removed from her room.  Rather than get all crazy at Pottery Barn Kids, I popped over to Hobby Lobby for a quick fix. So long changing table and hello little lady vanity. The princess is thrilled. More room updates to come!


Ruler Growth Chart

Did you forget about me? Well, I can't blame you. World's worst blogger right here. But, don't equate online inactivity to creative inactivity! Here is a fun and quick project great for any growing family. A growth chart, reminiscent of a old school ruler. Inspired by http://adventuresindecoratinganddesign.blogspot.ca/2012/01/ruler-growth-chart.html
Though not the best pictures, it still looks pretty smashing!