
At the Hospital.

Leaving the hospital.
"I'm number one!"

Screaming Lady in Red.

Sound asleep.

Swaddled up!

"Hmm. You make an interesting point!"

A Baby Story: Chapter 2

Feet like Dad.

First Family Photo.
(She is yelling b/c this is not her best side. Diva.)

Proud Dad.

Chapter 2: A Star is Born!

"WAAAAAA!" she screamed on her way out. The doctor held her tight, unraveling her cord from her ankles. Then, Ryan cut the cord freeing our daughter from her water world. The doctor placed her on my belly (which had suddenly deflated). She was pink, loud and here!

Isabella was born on the 25th of August at 8:50 p.m. She weighed 7 pounds 8 ounces and measured 19.5 inches long.