
Hot Mess.

Maisie enjoying "her" new chair.

Happy 1st Birthday, Mr. Brady!

The nursery, near finished!

At 38 weeks, with 13 days to go!

It is 8 P.M. and the official temperature is 90 degrees with a heat index of 98 degrees (source: The Weather Channel). I am toasting and melting, at the same time. I have heat rash in places I can't see and acne all over my face. I look like a teenage boy dealing with a harsh hormonal puberty while working as a fry cook at Hardees. Sure, I am glowing, but it is just sweat.

Until today, my summer has been incredibly pleasant. I should have known that my luck would run out in the last two weeks! Oh well, it just adds a little flare and anticipation to the big arrival.

Despite the heat, the last few days have been lovely and filled with friends. Auntie/Godmother Lindi helped design the nursery, ending my roller coaster anxiety. Jorgito, Jorge and Jessie celebrated Baby Watch 2009 with DQ cake. Mr. Adam, Ms. Megan, Ryan and I helped Brady enjoy his first birthday with his family and friends.

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