Changing Table Update.
Please note, we have acquired baby care products.
If I can find one...
As I told you, I am nesting full force these days. Last night's 'nest fest' included spot cleaning the carpet (only to discover I want a carpet cleaner) and a dust-bustin' Dyson session. I felt good, despite the massive swell I acquired below the ankle. Once I came down from the nesting high, I realize maybe I wasn't feeling all that good. "Oh...burp...was that vomit?" Yeah...I totally threw up in my mouth. Instantly, I thought it was a simple case of indigestion, a common pregnancy symptom. Before jumping to my bottle of Hy-Vee brand Tums, I have a seat on my bed to just relax....
Suddenly, my belly tightens. It is hard, like bone. A surge of heat and cramping pain. "Holy son-0f-a-biscuit, I'm having a contraction." Thanks to Methodist's Prepared Childbirth class, I am totally prepared. Step one: cleansing breath (deep breath). Step two: patterned breathing (ha he ha he ha he ha ho). Step three (as contraction ends): cleansing breath. I survived, patting myself on the back. So not a big deal...
Prior to this event, I have had a few random contractions that mimic this similar pattern. All just randoms, as they happen once. But, this night was different.
Just as I take my cleansing breath, Ryan walks in our room. I tell him of my awesome laboring skills and that coaching me is going to be a piece of cake. He decides, it is time for bed. Of course, I am still coming down from my nesting high and (so I think) battling indigestion. Rather than bed, I opt for bath. As I prepare my relaxation heaven, another surge! Another contraction...followed by another....and another....and even another.
"OMG, could this be it??" I think to myself. "Should I be timing these? Is my water going to the tub...SICK...should I get Ryan? Should I go to the triathlon in the morning? What if I do and my water breaks mid-race? Am I having the baby like now???"
Yeah, so I freaked. Sort of. I was able to stay calm enough to practice my breathing and not wake my coach. I even managed to start thinking rationally. First, I told myself that it is far too early. At my last check up, I had no effacement or dilation. I doubt that triggered this. Second, this is way too random. Third, there is no pattern.
OK, I am not in labor. I am in faux labor (aka Braxton-Hicks contractions). Much like faux fur or pleather, it was not the real deal. It was only substitute to trick one's mind into believing you got something really flash. The pain was tolerable, but again it was fake. It only makes me more curious....what will the real deal feel like?
Today, I had another faux labor spell. Again, I survived. But, could the real deal be on its way?
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