
Summer draws to an end.

Just because the days are shorter and the temperatures lower, doesn't mean you still can't celebrate the freshest season of all! Or at least that is how our resident Diva feels. Isabella is currently refusing to wear pants. Yesterday, while getting ready for school, I dressed her in some jeans. She promptly performed a sit/squat test and proclaimed the jeans were, "TOO TIGHT! OFF! OFF!" I manged to convince her to wear another pair, but this morning my goose was cooked. All out refusal. She demanded shorts...that or her Air Force cheer leading outfit. I comprised and gave her shorts. If this is what it's like at two, imagine 16. Yeah. Think about it.

This exchanged, however, made me realize that my baby has grown and the blog has been unchanged. As the summer ends, here is a quick chronicle of the last dog days. 

 Sunscreen and Sweat. 

 The first taste of red dye #3. Awesome parenting move.

 The result of red dye # 3. (Car is parked and off)


 Eating fresh cherries. Yummy! 

 Cool shoes. Check. Snack. Check. Drink. Check. 

 Home grown cherry tomatoes! Delish!
 The first pedicure. 

 The new way to wear sunglasses.

 Princess outfit from Godfather Dan and Auntie Lindi. 

 Making demands from her beach chair. 

 Keep her trend alive.

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