
The many faces of Bella.






 Almost sad. 

 Faking sad. 


Happy Hippe Hat.

A cool hat I crocheted two weeks ago. 
The pattern is from ThreadBanger.


In need of swimsuit.

 Isabella loves her private pool. She loves that she can decide her own dress code, like a pair of size-too-small swim diapers and this rather revealing top. After too many complaints from the management (mom & dad), Isabella has agreed to purchase a new swimsuit. 

 Maisie likes the pool too. 

Our deck garden. 
Isabella helped plant them and also thinks it is necessary to dump handfuls of dirt into her pool like Emeril. "BAM!" 


Sweetest Piggy Tails,

Getting ready for school is all the more fun now that we have to add in time for hair styling! Here she models the timeless classic: piggy tails! I know I am biased, but she looks so darn cute. 


Isabella has mastered a very important acting skill: emotions on demand. She can change from happy (demonstrated here) to sad to mad. I have yet to capture the others, but believe me they are Oscar worthy! Consider this an official preview...

New chairs.

Isabella felt the new basement was far too blue. Her Abuela must of agreed because in the mail arrive not one, but two pink chairs! Here she tries them out. You can't quite see, but Maisie is perched on the second chair, per Isabella's request of course.


Before and After

 This post has nothing to do with Isabella (a first?) Instead is features a home make-over! 
This is a "before" photo.


 A roman shade Jane and I made. 
