

Isabella at Baby School.

Baby School.

Isabella's First Day of Baby School

English Definition:
Day Care (n): a supervised daytime care for preschool children usually provided at a center outside the home.

Mommy Definition:
Day Care (n): a stranger whom I pay an arm and leg to raise my baby because I need to/want to/chose to work outside the home. commonly thought of as partial abandonment.

Yeah, so going back to work and sending Isabella to day care was a most horrible experience. No, don't worry...she was totally fine. I was not so fine. I cried for days leading up the the dreaded day. I battled an internal turmoil wondering if I should return to work. Prior to motherhood, I thought I would be bored at home. As it turns out, watching Dr. Oz, Maury, Ellen and Oprah with Baby wasn't so bad and definitely not boring. In order to help myself feel better, I convinced myself it was not daycare but Baby School. Everyone goes to school, right? Why not start early? So, Day Care became Baby School. Then, the day came...

I left Isabella with a capable teacher. She didn't fuss or cry. I was in complete hysterics. The center director walked me out and gave me a hug, ensuring they would care for Isabella. I drove to work, in tears. I walked into work, in tears. I sat at work (not working), in tears. By about 830 or 9 (I start at 730), I finally gained composure. I called the center. Isabella was fine, sleeping like she typically did at that time. Later, I went for a lunchtime visit. She was still fine, though happy to see Mommy (or the boob milk). I returned to work and before I knew it, I was home with baby. Each day thereafter was a little bit easier.

Now, Isabella is into her 4th week of baby school. She has yet to be expelled or start any fights. In fact, I am told she is a model student (I am sure they tell every Mom that).


Socializing Baby.

With Mr. Damir.

With Mrs. Stupar, learning Croatian.

With Jorgito discussing winter fashion.

This week Isabella enjoyed socializing with many friends. She dined on traditional Croatian dishes (intra-milk) while practicing a new language. Her goal is to be quarta-lingual by mastering English, Spanish, German and Croatian. I suggested a one or two at time, but she believes in immersion. Another night, she compared winter gearing and fashion rumblings with other small people. All the rage this season: hats hat HATS!

Isabella, ella, ella....

This week, while driving around, Isabella shouts from her car seat, "Hey Ma! Use that celly and get me Rhianna." Confused, I ask why my infant daughter needs to speak with pop star turn domestic violence spokeswoman. Isabella says, "I want her to remix 'Umbrella' to 'Isabella.' Rather than singing about a lame-o umbrella, she can sign about me! Here is what I have so far: With my Isabella, ella, ella...aye, aye, aye, Isabella...What ya think?" Impressed at her lyrical charm, I tell her that a song about her may not universally connect to millions and second that although I am the all powerful Mommy, I do not have Rhianna's contact info. "Not universal!" she cries. "Have you seen my blog followers, my facebook friends? Come on!"

Touche Isabella, touche. So, Rhianna, if you're reading this...



Sorry we have not updated the blog in long while. Things have been rather busy! We will try to be more diligent in the future. Enjoy the photo entries.

Happy Halloween!

My dog/big sister Maisie. She loves to eat bananas.
I feel it is ironic she is dressed as a banana. She is crazy enough to eat herself.

I think I may be over Halloween. But I still look cute.

With Grandpa, Grandma and Auntie Meredith.

I am the monkey. Maisie is the banana.
As you can see, we are thrilled.
Why mom and dad are exempt from costumes, we have no idea.

The Henry Doorly Zoo.

I call this the Pumpkin Vogue.

"Yo, we both red hair. Holla!"

Here I am in my throne.
Please note my Keds.

Geez, I'm cute.

Grinning like a Jack-0-lantern.

"You talking to me?"

Auntie Lindi, my candy corn cat and I.

Moments from My Second Month.

"Who me?"

"Abuelo and I pondering the mysteries of life."

Lady in Red!

My swing is much like a recliner.

Sound asleep.

Pretty in Purple.

Hanging with Abuelo.

I greatly enjoy my floor gym. It is AMAZING.

We both have flowers in our hair.

With my Auntie Lindi and The Godfather.

My baptism.

At my baptism.

"Mommy! I have hay in my pants!"

My first snow.

Hanging with Aunt M at Chipotle.

"I can't believe I missed The Office."


I can't forget my hat.

"Really Daddy?"

Graphics are totally in this season.

A hat for every occasion.
Thanks Grandmama J.


Moments from My First Month.

"Smile with your eyes, Maisie."

First trip to the zoo.

First time at a park. Yes, I'm wearing a hoodie. What!

Totally wiped after driving 3 hours for Chick-a-fila and shopping.
Can you believe, my parents bought me nothing?

First trip in a stroller and first trip to the mall.
Big Day!

"What do you mean there's no more milk?"

My favorite novel. It is a literary classic.

"Hello adoring fans!"
My first beauty queen wave. Elbow, elbow, wrist wrist...

"I won't do it for less than a mil. I don't care if it is Scorsese"
On the phone with my agent.