
Cage Fighter.

Princess Long has been very active in the recent days. On Sunday, she decided it was time for her father to feel her again (he felt her for the first time on Mother's Day night). She surprised both of us with power high kicks to my upper right belly. So powerful was this session, you could see my belly move and pulse forward with each impact. Don't worry, it is not painful. Then, on Memorial Day, Princess was out of control! No, I had not had any pop or other sugary drink that might induce this rise in activity. She was just celebrating our nations patriots! She spent the whole day rolling from side to side, kicking and punching. She even responded to Ryan's voice when he talked to her! I think she must feel like a fighter, getting ready for a Pay-Per-View UFC fight night live from Las Vegas, trapped in a cage or a full-guard, trying to break free...only 13 weeks until freedom my little peanut. 


A Baby Shower Fit for a Princess

On May 9th, Aunties Lindi, Leslie, Melissa and Pam hosted a beautiful shower for "Princess" Long and I. Abuela, Grandma and several aunties and friends were in attendance. The "Princess" enjoyed the attention and, I think, grew too accustomed to the showering of gifts. Since that day, she has been requesting another holiday in her honor. I'm cutting her some slack since I haven't had the opportunity to teach her manners yet. Regardless, she and I are very grateful for our loving family and friends who are all too generous. Thank you. 


A Visual Chronicle.

Enjoying a beautiful wedding. 
24 weeks. 

Looking large. 
23 weeks. 

Who's bigger: Juno or Me? 
22 weeks. 

This just in: We're having a little lady!
20 weeks. 

The start of a baby bump.
17 weeks. 

Her Model Portfolio.

Baby Long's foot. She was doing a roundhouse kick. 
Baby Long at 20 weeks. It's a girl!

Baby Long at 10 weeks. 



After reviewing my first post, I realized that you can easily get the impression that I neither eat well nor exercise. Before you call HHS on me, I do eat well. Considering my pre-pregnancy diet consisted of a cycle fast food venues, I do eat well. However, the exercising...that is different story. Explain to me the motivation in exercising when the scale just continues to climb? I do walk about 3-4 times a week with my co-workers, so I am not a total sloth. 

Welcome to Pregnancy.

Relax! Your wishes have been fulfilled. For many moons, you have pleaded for a blog about my insights on the 40 weeks of pregnancy. I hope this will satisfy your thirst for the secrets mothers seem to forget once the bundle of joy arrives. I promise to be honest so that you may be better prepared to either be a pregnant lady or the partner to a pregnant lady. Please note, that you will need to request information about weeks 0 through 25, as this blog is starting now. Because those early weeks were oh so pleasant, I make the choice not to relive them. 

On to pregnancy: I am 26 weeks and 5 days pregnant. Per my estimation, I have gained 21 pounds (measured this week on at home scale; this varies on the doctor scale). This falls in the normal range, but I still think I am fat. The fact that a whole other human occupies my gut does little to squelch my fears of weight gain and becoming a "fatty-boom-boom." Should I gain no more than 3 pounds in the next two weeks, I will remain in the safe zone (normal range). For you non/never-been pregnant people (NPPs), controlling your weight gain is pretty much out of your control in pregnancy. You can eat well and exercise (ok, I don't), but you're still going to gain weight. Enjoy it now NPP. For should you ever find yourself pregnant, you will not feel better about yourself by watching the Biggest Loser or Celebrity Fit Club. 

Embedded is my 26 week photo. For the record, my next blog will chart my "growth."